艺术和人文学科的学生通过众多的学术活动为充满活力的校园环境做出了贡献, 专业创意企业. 拿起一份 门柱, our award-winning weekly student newspaper; attend a play performed by our 沟通、媒体 and Performance Department's theater program in the Dwight Performing Arts Center; visit a senior thesis exhibition highlighting work by students in Graphic Design or Studio Art; or experience the annual FSU Fashion Show featuring costume and apparel from students in our 时装设计 and Retailing Department.

我们的学生还可以利用FSU的地理位置和附属机构来参观文化景点. English majors travel yearly to “literary Concord”; History majors attend field trips to institutions such as the New Bedford Whaling Museum; 世界语言 majors participate in historical tours of Boston's Chinatown neighborhood; and students across the disciplines are able to visit FSU's Danforth Art Museum in Framingham, 以及波士顿的美术博物馆, 由我们的机构会员提供.

艺术与人文学院优秀的师资队伍是教师-学者模式的典范. 学院的教授从事广泛的、引人注目的研究和创造性活动. 许多人从富布赖特学者计划和国家人文基金会等竞争激烈的来源获得了资助. 而他们各自的学术成就使他们在各自的专业领域中脱颖而出, 他们同样有动力在课堂上表现出色. 艺术与人文学院的教师为学生提供独特的体验式学习机会, 服务学习, 社会行动主义, 实习, 出国留学. 在他们的教学中, 我们的教授培养了一种鼓励想象力和个人视野的氛围, 同时培养在复杂多变的当代社会中沟通所必需的智力适应能力和分析思维能力.

T. Stores


T. Stores


通过积极参与演讲, writing, 表演, and design, 艺术与人文学院培养创造性的成长, eloquent, 有技巧的人. 这是学院院长T. Stores.
